zaterdag 16 juli 2011


Had my 6m net open in the garden this morning again. I managed to capture 7 House sparrows (6 juvies and 1 adult male) and a Blue Tit. It's all not too exciting but it's better than nothing! My garden will get exciting again from November on when finches, thrushes and tits will be around again!

I've been catching birds in my garden since the end of March now and the results so far are:

House Sparrow - 40 (of which 31 colourringed)
Great Tit - 9
Blue Tit - 8
Dunnock -3
Blackbird - 3
Chaffinch - 2
Siskin - 2
Greenfinch - 3
Magpie - 1
Chiffchaff - 1
Total 72 new

I've only retrapped two birds: a Dunnock and a House Sparrow.
A total of 74 birds with one 6m mistnet is not bad I'd say :)!

Tomorrow I'm off to La Brenne en France for two weeks, so good bye for now.

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