woensdag 12 oktober 2011


Today was one of those days that you catch more leafs than birds in the nets.. I got about a thousand extractions today on leafs so my guess is that soon I can apply for a leaf banding permit! In between the rain we were able to open up most of our nets. We had the nets open from 7.30 till 9.30. I was at least busy for one hour with extracting leafs from 3 nets.. terrific! Yellow-rumps were most abundant today with 23 banded. We caught about 70 birds in total. Highlight of today was the second Wilson's Snipe this fall!


Wilson's Snipe 1 -
Blue-headed Vireo 1 -
Red-eyed Vireo 1 -
Winter Wren 1 -
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1 -
Gray Catbird 2 -
Yellow-rumped Warbler 23 -
Eastern Towhee 1 -
Song Sparrow 2 -
Lincoln's Sparrow 1 -
Swamp Sparrow 3 -
White-throated Sparrow 2 -

Total 39, 12 species

While checking the nets in all the wind and rain I almost flushed a Ruffed Grouse in the nets along Long Lane. It suddenly jumped out of the vegetation and walked along the net lanes, but unfortunately, it didn't fly into our nets! Now I won't have dinner tonight :(

Hopefully the wind dies down soon because I don't feel like extracting tons of leafs again the coming days.

A nice small flock of Yellow-rumps in one net

And two movies from the previous week
Blue Jay, reluctant to go..

Flicker going crazy!!!!!!!

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