zaterdag 9 juli 2011

Black Tern yay!

Bram and I had planned to do a CES session at his site yesterday so this meant that on the evening of the 7th of July we went there and already placed the mistnets. Since the site exist most out of reedbeds and since it is a known place for swallow-roosts we tried to catch some swallows that evening with 3 nets in the reeds.

It resulted in 42 swallows and 2 Sand Martins, along with some other birds, including 2 Stonechats, a Bluethroat and a Reed bunting. We went to bed late and only had 2 hours of sleep before the alarmclock went off! While opening the mistnets we had a Long-eared Owl that had slept in a small bush next to the mistnets, unfortunately the mistnets were still closed when the owl flew out.. The surprise (well, we had expected to catch this bird with a bit of luck) was a Black Tern hanging in a net, situated along the small lake nearby. Furthermore we trapped the following birds:
IJsvogel (Kingfisher) 1-0
Winterkoning (Wren) 1-1
Blauwborst (Bluethroat) 2-4
Stonechat (Roodborsttapuit) 2-0
Zanglijster (Songthrush) 1-2
Sprinkhaanzanger (Grashopper Warbler) 0-2
Bosrietzanger (Marsh Warbler) 4-2
Kleine Karekiet (Reed Warbler) 5-3
Grasmus (Whitethroat) 8-0
Tuinfluiter (Garden Warbler) 14-2
Zwartkop (Blackcap) 18-1
Tjiftjaf (Chiffchaff) 29-7
Fitis (Willow Warbler) 3-0
Pimpelmees (Blue tit) 3-2
Koolmees (Great tit) 2-3
Boomkruiper (Short-toed Treecreeper) 1-0
Rietgors (Reed bunting) 1-1
Total: 127 (96 new, 31 retrap) birds, 19 species
Bram, happy with the Black Tern
Kingfisher, female 1cy
Bluethroat, adult male
Bluethroats! Adult male, old + young juvenile
Stonechat, 2cy Male
Stonechat, juvenile
Grashopper Warbler, adult female

On our way back to home we ringed another 11 Goldfinch nestlings, in willows along a path.

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