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Posts tonen met het label Israel. Alle posts tonen

vrijdag 28 december 2012

Review of the year 2012: starting with Israel

As the end of the year closes in it's time to review this year! It's been a great year concerning birds, my two months stay in Israel being the definite highlight! Therefore I will start with a review of the two months Israel, followed by other top birding moments of 2012.

At the end of February I went to Israel to volunteer for 1,5 months at the IBRCE and for a week at the JBO. It was a great experience, learning lots of things about the passerines there - birdspecies I'd never handled before - and next to that, the raptor migration was impressive as well, with thousands of Steppe Buzzards passing by.

To start off with the typical migrants that stop by in Eilat:
 Cretzschmar's Bunting (Emberiza caesia). Many were present during the month March with up to 60+ at Ofira Park on one single occasion. All over the city and the IBRCE this species was seen. Ortolan Buntings arrived later, also passing by in huge numbers.
Rüppell's Warbler (Sylvia rueppelli). We observed and trapped many species of warblers. Rüppell's Warbler being one of my favourites! Over 100 individuals were trapped, an impressive number! This picture was taken in Ofira Park, where they were foraging out in the open. 
Barred Warbler (Sylvia nisoria). This is my other favourite warbler. Such 'bulky', large, sylvias are amazing birds to handle! And look at the eye...
Rufous-bush Robin (Cercotrichas galactotes). These beautiful bush robins arrived late March, early April. Too bad we missed out on the Black Bush Robins this year..
 Pied Wheatear (Oenanthe pleschanka), adult male
Cyprus Wheatear (Oenanthe cypriaca), adult male
'Vittata' Pied Wheatear (Oenanthe pleschanka), adult male

This spring was marked by an unprecedented influx of Pied and Cyprus Wheatears. They popped up everywhere and some eventually ended up in our mistnets at the IBRCE. Most wheatears were present just behind the IBRCE in the Date palm plantations. Identifying them in the field was quite a challenge, once in the hand it was much easier.. The second (well first one alive) 'vittata' for Israel was found on the 24th of March by two Dutch birders, Marc Guyt and Arjen van Egmond near K20.  It was my first Israeli twitch. It was a very nice bird, and certainly one of the Wheatear highlights for me. 

 Semi-collared Flycatcher (Ficedula semitorquata), male. While I was suffering from sinusitis and lying on my bed with a vast headache the boys woke me up, guess what we have!! They showed a beautiful male Semi-collared Flycatcher. A species that is not caught annually at the IBRCE (unlike this year with more than 10 being trapped). This bird made my sinusitis more bearable for sure... What a stunner! We also saw quite a few at the Date palm plantations behind the IBRCE. Up to 5/6 birds during one single visit.
Caspian Stonechat (Saxicola maurus variegatus). This surprise we found in the mistnet is one hell of a bird too! Nice white rump, T-shaped tail.. you won't get a Caspian better than this!

Crested Honey Buzzard (Pernis ptilorhynchus). Pictured above: the famous female that has been wintering in the Eilat Northern Date Palms for the past few years. The Crested Honey Buzzard was one my wish list, we first saw this female on 8-3, but I got very poor views of the bird, I couldn't tick it yet.. Then the next day we were extremely lucky to see the bird fly in between the two date palms. Normally we were only able to see it glide through the palm tops, having a very short observation. This observation however, was of longer duration! A few weeks later, we had an adult male Crested Honey Buzzard flying over the Southern Date Palms. First we thought it was an Osprey, then a Bonelli's Eagle and then: oh sh*t! Crested Honey Buzzard. Of course one of those moments during which you've left your camera at the ringing station..

Continueing with the Nightjars:
Egyptian Nightjar (Caprimulgus aegyptius), a memorable night we had in March at Yotvata. We observed several Egyptian Nightjars and were able to ring two of them! Other than the Egyptians the evening trip held lots of Stone Curlews, a Pharoah Eagle Owl, a Barn Owl and Jackals not to forget the Pallid Harrier we saw hunting on hundreds of Short-toed Larks in the evening!
European Nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus). On the last day of my stay in Israel we ringed two European Nightjars at the JBO. We'd caught one in Eilat too but catching European Nightjars in the middle of the city of Jerusalem is much more special...
Nubian Nightjar (Caprimulgus nubicus). This was a very special night. After a long drive to the Dead Sea, resulting in, eventually, a broken car, we had a crazy night with first Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters catching insects above our head and then as it started getting dark displaying Nubian Nightjars. To see (and ring) this endangered species was incredible!
Hume's Owl (Strix butleri). Together with Nubian Nightjar, these were my two target species for my trip! Walking in the dark in a deserted wadi, only light coming from the stars and moon and then... a singing Hume's Owl, showing off on a cliff just above our heads!
Scops Owl (Otus scops). Cute little owls, a pleasure to catch!
Common Bee-eater (Merops apiaster). Many Israeli bird ringers won't agree that this is a nice bird to catch, since they can be a plague for farmers and then the ringers have to catch them and take them to some other place! To me it's one of the most beautiful birds to have in hand.
Eurasian Bittern (Botaurus stellaris). When we got the report of a heron sitting in a small pool in one of the big hotels near the North Beach we'd never expected it would be a Eurasian Bittern! The bird was not weak at all, and after release it lingered around the IBRCE for quite some time! It's quite a rare bird in Eilat and its surroundings.
Hoopoe (Upupa epops). It would be a crime to leave out the National bird of Israel, the Hoopoe! 

woensdag 25 april 2012

This was it!

My glorious adventure in Israel has ended! Back to the confrontating truth!

It feels so weird to be back home now, waking up, without hearing any singing Bulbuls or Laughing Doves, yes I miss Israel already.. But hey, it feels good to have a sleep-in for a change :)

I had my last morning at the JBO yesterday. It was a great ending of a enjoyable week in Jerusalem. 2 Nightjars in the early morning, and a River Warbler later in the morning were the definite highlights! Thanks to all the nice people from the JBO for the past week!

Then it was time to check out from the Abraham Hostel and wait for the airport taxi. I arrived around 14:00 at Ben Gurion Airport. After the check-in I ate some pizza of the Pizzahut and continued my way through customs. At 16:50 the plane would leave. I was a bit sleepy so I fell asleep as soon as we got in to the plane. I woke up after an hour, still under the impression that we still hadn't taken off yet, but we were flying above the Mediterranean Sea, leaving me a bit disoriented haha.

At 21:15, Middle-European summer time, we landed at Schiphol airport. I picked up my baggage quickly from the baggage hall and then at the arrival hall, I saw my family again after two months :)

 Spotted Crake (Porzana porzana), I had my big lens with me, but the light was still terrible in the early morning..
A Jackal came out in the open, to relax a little bit near the water, such a dog!
Thrush Nightingale (Luscinia luscinia) , foraging in front of the hide
European Nightjars (Caprimulgus europaeus), both were males, on distinctively bigger and more defined (better looking) than the other. The wings were respectively 195 mm and 210 mm (210 was out of the 'normal range' for Capeur!) 
Note the differences.
And an overall shot of the best-looking one of the two.
River Warbler (Locustella fluviatilis)

And one more interesting picture from a Pied Flycatcher from monday the 23rd. On the right wing, p5 had dropped out for some reason, and it was now full regrown again, the new p5 showed a white spot on the shaft, unlike the left wing...! The photos below will illustrate this:

Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca), overall shot
 Left wing
Right wing

Bye bye Israel!

vrijdag 20 april 2012

Ringing at the lowest place on earth

The time for my alarmclock was set at the ridiculous time of 3:20, to get ready for some ringing at the Dead Sea with Ron (Haran) & Ron (Efrat)!

At 4:00 they picked me up in the city and around 5:00 we arrived at the ringing site.The ringing site is a  special place, several springs stream (with hot water) from the mountains in to the Dead Sea.

After putting up 8 nets we could witness a beautiful sunrise. It was amazing to witness sunrise in such a wonderful place. A really special happening! I enjoyed every minute of it.
The ringing site

Loads of birds hopped from bush to bush, mainly Blackcaps, and eventually ended up in our mistnets. It was mainly Blackcaps, Blackcaps and again Blackcaps! But next to that the variety was also pretty good. I got a ringing tick: we ringed 2 Clamarous Reed Warblers. Furthermore we ringed some Great Reed Warblers, 3 Cetti's Warblers, Eastern Orphean Warblers, Eastern Olivaceous Warblers, 1 Dead-Sea Sparrow, 2 Ortolan Buntings, Tree Pipit and another highlight was a Barred Warbler. At the end of the morning we had caught 233 birds with 8 mistnets, incredible! 187 of them were the 'Kippa' Warblers as I like to call them.
 Cetti's Warbler
 Clamarous Reed Warbler
 Clamarous Reed and Great Reed Warbler
 Never posted a photo of a Bulbul before, so here it is!
These rule out all the Sylvia's for sure!

Birds around included White-breasted Kingfisher, quite a few Fan-tailed Ravens and Tristram's Grackles.

After the ringing we visited a place in the northern Dead Sea area where we saw 5 Namaqua Doves, what a lovely little doves with their long tail!
 Namaqua Dove
Ringing with Ron & Ron

donderdag 19 april 2012

Cold brings birds!

With a massive temperature drop yesterday afternoon from 32 degrees to 19 degrees Celsius it was clear that we would be having a lot of birds this morning.

I arrived around 6:30 at the JBO (later than planned, because somehow my alarmclock wasn't working..) and saw that Yosef Kiat just finished the first round and brought back quite a few birds.Throughout the morning a good number of birds helped themselves in the nets and in the end we had caught 205 birds spread over 19 species. Only 14 birds were recaptured. Among those 205, lots of Blackcaps but also 5 Thrush Nightingales, Tree Pipit and last but not least in the last round a Syrian Woodpecker! 
 Syrian Woodpecker (Dendrocopus syriacus), 2cy female
 It had some weird albinistic feather on both wings.
 The JBO
The ringing site

After the ringing I quickly stopped by at the hostel and continued to the Old City to visit the Dome of Rock. Last visit it was too busy with people so we didn't visit the place, but now there weren't too many people, so I gave it a try. Seeing the Dome of Rock from closeby is pretty impressive!
 The Dome of Rock
 From another angle
 The Al-Aqsa Mosque
 The Mt. of Olives seen from the Old City.

I walked back through the small streets of the Old City and visited the neighbourhood Musrara to look for the Lesser Kestrels that breed there. I didn't find any, they were probably hunting outside the city at that time of day. Lesser Kestrels have seriously declined the last decades here in Jerusalem with now only 5-8 pairs left.